Institute for Advanced Study

Risking Creativity

The IAS serves as a flagship institute for top-level international research at TUM, and has helped to drive the university’s development into one of Germany’s top academic institutions. The IAS Fellowship Program offers excellent guest scientists from academia and industry, as well as early-career scientists the chance to conduct world class, interdisciplinary research at TUM.

Our Mission and Vision

Our Organization


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3D reconstruction from photos

Daniel Cremers, IAS Alumni Linde Fellow, and Professor for Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence at TUM found a way to generate precise 3D…

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Chemistry with Mondrian

How about presenting chemical formulas and structures of molecules differently? We are used to skeletal presentations or diagrams. But what about an…

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Article about death and mystery by Philosopher in Residence Fellow PD Dr. Rico Gutschmidt

PD Dr. Rico Gutschmidt has published an article about death and mystery, which was inspired by his research project as TUM-IAS Philosopher in…


We promote research in fields ranging from natural and applied sciences, life sciences and medicine to all areas of engineering as well as social sciences. Explore our programs

Fellowship Programs

Albrecht Struppler Fellowship
for clinician scientist

Anna Boyksen Fellowship
for gender studies in science and engineering

Carl von Linde Fellowship​​​
for TUM faculty members

Dieter Schwarz Fellowship​​​
for renowned international scientists
from outside TUM who intend to
explore innovative, high-risk topics
in the key areas researched at the
TUM Campus Heilbronn.

Dieter Schwarz Courageous Research Grant​​​
for outstanding international scientists from
outside TUM who intend to use groundbreaking
technology to propose a radical solution to a
major challenge in the area of
“Digitization and Sustainability”.

Hans Fischer Fellowship
for early-career scientists from outside TUM

Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship
for international scientists from outside TUM

Philosopher in Residence Fellowship
for joint projects of philosophers and TUM professors

Rudolf Diesel Industry Fellowship
for researchers from industry

Rudolf Mößbauer Tenure Track
Assistant Professorship for early-carreer scientists

Focal Periods

TUM-IAS Focal Periods aim at supporting interaction between different Focus Groups, and between active Fellows and alumni Fellows around a certain theme. Learn more

TUM Innovation Networks

TUM Innovation Networks are essential in identifying and pursuing future-oriented and high-potential research focus areas that can later lead to large-scale, far-reaching research consortia. Learn more

Latest Video Portraits


Bringing people and their ideas together is a major concern of TUM IAS. Cutting-edge research always emerges where bright minds come into exchange.

Our New Fellows 2023

In 2023 we welcomed 16 new top scientists to IAS.
Get to know our new fellows

All Fellows of IAS

Our fellows come from all over the world. Moreover, many of them work from abroad. Meet our international family

Members of IAS

Members of TUM-IAS are renowned awardees in the scientific context and form a strong global network that meets regularly for events at the Technical University of Munich. Learn more

Director and Staff

Meet the Management of TUM IAS. Contact us

Research Areas

Thirteen Research Areas embedded into TUM-IAS cover a wide range of innovative, interdisciplinary fields. Their purpose to establish sustainable, long-term research collaborations that are embedded in the TUM faculties. Learn more

Partners and Network of IAS

IESP is a diverse and open network of scientists, politicians, administrators, and entrepreneurs sharing a deep concern about the challenges humanity faces in the Anthropocene.
Visit the Website of IESP

The IESP office is located in the building of TUM-IAS.

We maintain intensive partnerships with organizations within the TUM as well as with other universities and institutions in Germany, Europe and worldwide.

Get to know our collaborations

Insights and Outreach

Join our weekly Wednesday Coffee Talks

Find here our latest Annual Report

Institute for Advanced Study | Lichtenbergstraße 2 a, 85748 Garching | Tel + | Contact & Directions