Facts and Figures
TUM-IAS was established as a flagship of TUM’s institutional strategy to promote top-level research in the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments. TUM was not only successful in both rounds of this nationwide competition (2006 and 2012) but even secured the title “University of Excellence” for the third time under the new program Excellence Strategy that has evolved from the Excellence Initiative in 2019.
After having played a central part in the first two rounds TUM-IAS became established as a permanent institution of TUM which is financing TUM-IAS out of the general TUM budget. The Institute has also contributed to the proposal of the Excellence Strategy and is therefore receiving funding for its new initiatives. In addition, TUM-IAS is collaborating with the Cluster of Excellence e-conversion financing a TUM-IAS@e-conversion Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship. In 2020, the first Fellow was appointed in this program.
Moreover, TUM-IAS continues to receiving further third-party funding.
TÜV Süd Foundation
In 2015, the TÜV Süd Foundation and TUM agreed on introducing a “Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship awarded by the TÜV Süd Foundation”. By funding this Fellowship, the TÜV Süd Foundation aims to support the exchange of internationally renowned scientists as well as sustainable projects in groundbreaking research fields. So far, two Fellows were appointed under this scheme.
Siemens AG
The Siemens AG provides funding for six Hans Fischer (Senior) Fellowships with over two million euros. The research focus is on the fields of “Simulation and Digital Twin” and “Future of Autonomous Systems/Robotics.” Four Fellows of this program have taken up their work in 2019 and 2020. Two more were appointed in 2021.