Wilderer, P.A.; Grambow, M.; Molls, M.; Oexle, K. (Hrsg.): Strategies for Sustainability of the Earth System. Strategies for Sustainability. Springer Nature, 2021 mehr…
Mohr, Marius; Dockhorn, Thomas; Drewes, Jörg E.; Karwat, Sybille; Lackner, Susanne; Lotz, Bryan; Nahrstedt, Andreas; Nocker, Andreas; Schramm, Engelbert; Zimmermann, Martin: Assuring water quality along multi-barrier treatment systems for agricultural water reuse. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 10 (4), 2020, 332-346 mehr…
Molls, Michael; Eberspächer, Jörg; Auernhammer, Hermann; Färber, Georg; Herbst-Gaebel, Birgit; Lindemann, Udo; Mainzer, Klaus; Petry, Winfried; Reichwald, Ralf; Scheurle, Jürgen; van Hemmen, Leo; Wilderer, Peter (Hrsg.): Wissenschaft, Vernunft & Nachhaltigkeit – Denkanstöße für die Zeit nach Corona. TUM Forum Sustainability. Technische Universität München, 2020 mehr…
Makarieva, A.: Victor Gorshkov (1935-2019): a life for the biosphere. Blog Entry, 2020 mehr…
von Hauff, M.: Nachhaltigkeit für Deutschland? Frag doch einfach! – Klare Antworten aus erster Hand. UVK Verlag, 2020 mehr…
Karakurt, Sema; Schmid, Ludwig; Hübner, Uwe; Drewes, Jörg E.: Dynamics of Wastewater Effluent Contributions in Streams and Impacts on Drinking Water Supply via Riverbank Filtration in Germany—A National Reconnaissance. Environmental Science & Technology 53 (11), 2019, 6154-6161 mehr…
von Hauff, M.: Nachhatlige Entwicklungspolitik. UVK Verlag, 2019 mehr…
Drewes, J.E.: Understanding microbial biotransformation of contaminants in natural and engineered systems - The past, present and future. TransCon 2019, 2019 mehr…
Bhola, Punit Kumar; Leandro, Jorge; Disse, Markus: Reducing uncertainties in flood inundation outputs of a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model by constraining roughness. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 19 (7), 2019, 1445-1457 mehr…
Wackernagel, M.; Lin, D.; Evans, M.; Hanscom, L.; Raven, P.: Defying the Footprint Oracle: Imlications of Country Resource Trends. Sustainability 11 (2164), 2019 mehr…
Drewes. J.E., Becker, D., Jungfer, C., Krömer, K., Mohr, M., Nahrstedt, A., Schramm, E., Winker, M., Zimmermann, M.: Mindestanforderungen an eine Wasserwiederverwendung: Hinweise aus Sicht der WavE-Forschungsprojekte des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF). gwf-Wasser/Abwasser (12), 2018, 50-59 mehr…
Bui, Van Hieu; Bui, Minh Duc; Rutschmann, Peter: A new numerical model for sediment transport in gravel-bed rivers. New Challenges in hydraulic research and engineering. Proc. of the 5th IAHR-Europe Congress, The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), 2018, 723-725 mehr…
Mauser, W.; Hank, T.; Jakstat, T.; Probst, E.: Virtual Water Values – A project for global and regional assessment of agricultural yields and water use efficiency. Scientific Papers-Series E – Land Reclamation Earth Observation & Surveying Environmental Engineering 7, 2018, 192-197 mehr…
Bieber, Stefan; Snyder, Shane A.; Dagnino, Sonia; Rauch-Williams, Tanja; Drewes, Jörg E.: Management strategies for trace organic chemicals in water – A review of international approaches. Chemosphere 195, 2018, 410-426 mehr…
Bhola, Punit Kumar; Nair, Bhavana B.; Leandro, Jorge; Rao, Sethuraman N.; Disse, Markus: Flood inundation forecasts using validation data generated with the assistance of computer vision. Journal of Hydroinformatics 21 (2), 2018, 240-256 mehr…
Mechik, E.; von Hauff, M.; de Moura, L.H.L; Held, H.: Analysis Of The Changes In Economic Activities Of Brazilian Forest Communities After Methodical Support And Provision Of Pre-Financing Capital. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 29 (2), 2017, 227-237 mehr…
von Hauff, M.; Kuhnke, C. (Hrsg.): Sustainable Development Policy – A European Perspective. Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development. earthscan, 2017 mehr…
Strübing, D.; Huber, B.; Lebuhn, M.; Drewes, J.; Koch, K.: Conversion and storage of renewable energy via microbial methanation of H2/CO2 in thermophilic anaerobic trickle bed reactors. 4th Water Research Conference, 2017 mehr…
Theodoropoulos, Christos; Vourka, Aikaterini; Stamou, Anastasios; Rutschmann, Peter; Skoulikidis, Nikolaos: Response of freshwater macroinvertebrates to rainfall-induced high flows: A hydroecological approach. Ecological indicators 73, 2017, 432-442 mehr…
Weiler, R.A.; Demuynck, K.: Food Scarcity Unavoidable by 2100 ? Impact of Demography & Climate Change – A Report to the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg, Austria. Globethics.net, 2017 mehr…
Makarieva, A.; Gorshkov, V.; Startsev, A.: New goals for fundamental science. Energy: Economics, Technology, Ecology 11, 2017, 2-13 mehr…
Dewilde, P.: Systemic Relativism. – A philosophical exploration of chaos and creation, evolution and intelligence. Stitching PRCS, 2017 mehr…
Drewes, J.E., Horstmeyer, N.: Strategien und Potenziale zur Energieoptimierung bei der Wasserwiederverwendung. Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 2016, 99-107 mehr…
Leix, Carmen; Drewes, Jörg E.; Koch, Konrad: The role of residual quantities of suspended sludge on nitrogen removal efficiency in a deammonifying moving bed biofilm reactor. Bioresource Technology 219, 2016, 212 - 218 mehr…
Holliger, C.; Alves, M.; Andrade, D.; Angelidaki, I.; Astals, S.; Baier, U.; Bougrier, C.; Buffière, P.; Carballa, M.; de Wilde, V.; Ebertseder, F.; Fernández, B.; Ficara, E.; Fotidis, I.; Frigon, J-C.; Fruteau de Laclos, H.; Ghasimi, D. S. M.; Hack, G.; Hartel, M.; Heerenklage, J.; Sarvari Horvath, I.; Jenicek, P.; Koch, K.; Krautwald, J.; Lizasoain, J.; Liu, J.; Mosberger, L.; Nistor, M.; Oechsner, H.; Oliveira, J. V.; Paterson, M.; Pauss, A.; Pommier, S.; Porqueddu, I.; Raposo, F.; Ribeiro, T.; Rüsch, F.; Strömberg, S.; Torrijos, M.; van Eekert, M.; van Lier, J.; Wedwitschka, H.; Wierinck, I.: Towards a standardization of biomethane potential tests. Water Science & Technology (47(11)), 2016, 2515-2522 mehr…
Rutschmann, Peter; Schäfer, Stefan; Sepp, Albert; Grönitz, N.; Geiger, Franz: Alternative hydropower development for large rivers: the ecologic and economic ‘multi-shaft’ concept. ASIA 2016. Sixth Intern. Conf. and Exhibition on Water Resources and Hydropower Development in Asia, Aqua-Media International Ltd., 2016, paper 15.04, 8 pages mehr…
Drewes, J.E., Horstmeyer, N.: Strategien und Potenziale zur Energieoptimierung bei der Wasserwiederverwendung. Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 2016, 99-107 mehr…
Hübner, U., Drewes, J.E.: Engineered Natural Treatment Systems for Advanced Wastewater Treatment and Reuse. UNESCO Regional Consultation Meeting “Water Quality in Europe: Challenges and Best Practices, 2015 mehr…
Nitsa, M.; Gkesouli, A.; Bui, M. D.; Stamou, A. I.; Rutschmann, P.: Modeling the effect of wind in rectangular settling tanks for water supply. Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2015), 2015, Paper ID cest2015_01374, 5 pages mehr…
Grambow, M.: Experiences from the International Rhine Water Management. Strategic Analysis 39 (1), 2015, 9-13 mehr…
Grambow, M.; Eichenseer, E.; Overhoff, G.; Hafner, T.; Staton, K.; Schaipp, B.: Lessons learned from the Big Floods, 1999–2013: The Bavarian Flood Action Programme 2020plus. Water Policy 17 (S1), 2015, 133-155 mehr…