Welcoming Our New Fellows
Meet our new Fellows and get inspired by their research projects.

Fellowship Programs

Anna Boyksen Fellowship
two years for oustanding top-level female professors who intend to explore gender- and diversity-relevant themes in the context of the TUM subject portfolio

Rudolf Mößbauer
Tenure Track Assistant Professorship
six years for outstanding, high-potential early-career scientists

Rudolf Diesel
Industry Fellowship
three years for highly qualified researchers from industry

Albrecht Struppler Clinician Scientist Fellowship
three years for excellent senior physicians working at the TUM University Hospital rechts der Isar

Hans Fischer Fellowship
three years for outstanding early-career scientists from outside TUM
Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship
three years for renowned international scientists from outside TUM

Carl von Linde Fellowship
two years for excellent TUM faculty members

Philosopher in Residence Fellowship
one year for internationally leading and emerging representatives of the fi eld of philosophy from outside TUM.

Prof. Olga Boudker (Weill Cornell Medicine)

Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship
Prof. Claus Schwechheimer (TUM School of Life Sciences)
TUM-IAS Focus Group
Toward Improved Nitrogen Efficiency – Amino Acid Transporters Take the Stage
TUM-IAS Research Area
Fundamental Natural and Life Sciences
Prof. Nathalie Bredella (Leibniz University Hannover)

Anna Boyksen Fellowship
Prof. Dietrich Erben (TUM School of Engineering and Design)
TUM-IAS Focus Group
Feminism and Digital Cultures in Architecture
TUM-IAS Research Area
Gender and Diversity in Science and Engineering
Prof. Priscilla A. Furth (Georgetown University)

Anna Boyksen Fellowship
Prof. Bernhard Küster, Prof. Markus List (TUM School of Life Sciences)
TUM-IAS Focus Group
Gene-Regulatory Mechanisms
TUM-IAS Research Area
Gender and Diversity in Science and Engineering
Prof. Roberto Giuntini (University of Cagliari)

Philosopher in Residence Fellowship
(supported by the TÜV SÜD Foundation)
Prof. Hans-Joachim Bungartz (TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology), Prof. Stefania Centrone (TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology), Prof. Klaus Mainzer (TUM Senior Excellence Faculty)
TUM-IAS Focus Group
Quantum Logic and the Second Quantum Revolution
TUM-IAS Research Area
Advanced Computation and Modeling
PD Dr. Rico Gutschmidt (University of Konstanz / ETH Zurich)

Philosopher in Residence Fellowship
(supported by the TÜV SÜD Foundation)
Prof. Eckhard Frick (TUM School of Medicine and Health / TUM University Hospital rechts der Isar)
TUM-IAS Focus Group
Boundary Situations and Spiritual Care
TUM-IAS Research Area
Health, Prevention, Care
Prof. Jiang Hu (Texas A&M University)

Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship
Prof. Ulf Schlichtmann (TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology)
TUM-IAS Focus Group
A New and Scalable Methodology for Fast Machine Learning Accelerator Design
TUM-IAS Research Area
Advanced Computation and Modeling
Prof. Heather J. Kulik (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship
Prof. Christopher J. Stein, Prof. Jennifer L.M. Rupp (TUM School of Natural Sciences)
TUM-IAS Focus Group
Systematically Improvable Modeling of Electrochemical Processes
TUM-IAS Research Area
Advanced Computation and Modeling
Prof. Chenchen Liu (University of Maryland)

Hans Fischer Fellowship
Prof. Ulf Schlichtmann (School of Computation, Information and Technology)
TUM-IAS Focus Group
Enabling Neuromorphic Computing for Multi-tenant Artificial Intelligence
TUM-IAS Research Area
Advanced Computation and Modeling
Prof. Rainald Loehner (George Mason University)

Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship
(funded by the Siemens AG)
Prof. Kai-Uwe Bletzinger (TUM School of Engineering and Design)
TUM-IAS Focus Group
Adjoint-Based System Identifi cation of Large-Scale Structures
TUM-IAS Research Area
Advanced Computation and Modeling
Prof. Lorenz Panny (TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology)

Rudolf Mößbauer Tenure Track Assistant Professorship
TUM-IAS Focus Group
TUM-IAS Research Area
Communication and Information
Prof. Bjørn Panyella Pedersen (Aarhus University)

Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship
Prof. Claus Schwechheimer (TUM School of Life Sciences)
TUM-IAS Focus Group
Auxin Exporters as Targets for Herbicide Resistance
TUM-IAS Research Area
Fundamental Natural and Life Sciences
Prof. Elizabeth Qian (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Hans Fischer Fellowship (funded by the TUM Georg Nemetschek Institute)
Prof. Daniel Straub, Dr. Iason Papaioannou (TUM School of Engineering and Design), Prof. Elisabeth Ullmann (TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology)
TUM-IAS Focus Group
Model Reduction for Structural Reliability Analysis
TUM-IAS Research Area
Advanced Computation and Modeling
Prof. Melanie Schirmer (TUM School of Life Sciences)

Rudolf Mößbauer Tenure Track Assistant Professorship
TUM-IAS Focus Group
Translational Microbiome Data Integration
TUM-IAS Research Area
Medical Natural Sciences
Prof. Elena Simperl (King’s College London)

Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship (funded by the Siemens AG)
Prof. Klaus Diepold (TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology)
TUM-IAS Focus Group
Trustworthy Knowledge Graphs
TUM-IAS Research Area
Advanced Computation and Modeling
Prof. Agnieszka Wykowska (Italian Institute of Technology)

Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship
Prof. Gordon Cheng (TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology)
TUM-IAS Focus Group
Human Cognition in Neuroengineering
TUM-IAS Research Area
PD Dr. Michael Zech (TUM University Hospital rechts der Isar | TUM School of Medicine and Health)

Albrecht Struppler Clinician Scientist Fellowship
TUM-IAS Focus Group
Linking Genomics with Computational Science
TUM-IAS Research Area
Medical Natural Sciences