Disorder, Topology and Frustration in Spin-Orbit Coupled Quantum Magnets
The Focus Group “Disorder, Topology and Frustration in Spin-Orbit Coupled Quantum Magnets” consists of principal investigators Hans Fischer Senior Fellow Prof. Natalia Perkins (University of Minnesota) and her TUM host Prof. Johannes Knolle (Department of Physics). The prime scientific goals of this Focus Group are centered around a deeper understanding of the fundamental physics of quantum magnets in the presence of strong spin-orbit coupling, frustration and non-trivial topology. This field has recently experienced a strong development both in theory and in experiment stimulated by an understanding that novel materials are crucial for the progress in various technologies. The Focus Group will also study the effects of disorder in these systems, as the competition of disorder, frustration and topology can potentially give rise to many unexpected phenomena.
TUM-IAS funded doctoral candidate:
Eduard Koller, Theory of Quantum Matter and Nanophysics
Publications by the Focus Group