Scientific Report on TUM-IAS Fellowship
This is the final annual report from our Focus Group for Cellular Protein Biochemistry at the TUM-IAS. Matthias Feige, heading the group as a Rudolf Mößbauer Tenure Track Assistant Professor, has just obtained tenure and now continues his career as Associate Professor for Cellular Protein Biochemistry at TUM. This provides the opportunity to summarize some our achievements during the Fellowship as well to provide a few glimpses of the path ahead. full report …
Short CV
Professor Matthias Feige studied biochemistry at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) and TUM. In 2009, he obtained his PhD in biochemistry under the supervision of Johannes Buchner at TUM. As a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Linda Hendershot at the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA, he expanded his research toward cell biology and now heads the laboratory for cellular protein biochemistry at TUM.
Selected Awards
- 2016, Fellow of the Daimler and Benz Foundation
- 2012, Rainer Rudolph Foundation, Rainer Rudolph Award
- 2011-2014, Fellow of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
- 2011, Management Engineers Presidential Award, Management Engineers and TUM
- 2010-2011, Paul Barrett Fellowship, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
- 2010, Hans Fischer Award, Hans Fischer Society
- 2010, PhD Award, TUM Graduate School
- 2005, Jürgen Manchot Award, Jürgen Manchot Foundation
- 2003-2009, Fellow of the German National Academic Foundation
Research Interests
Matthias Feige’s laboratory aims at understanding how cells control and maintain the integrity of their proteome. He is particularly interested in proteins of the secretory pathway – proteins that are ultimately secreted or localized on the cell surface and allow cells to interact with their environment. Using an interdisciplinary approach from protein biochemistry to cell biology, he analyzes the machinery and mechanisms that monitor cellular protein biogenesis. By focusing on proteins of immunological and biomedical relevance, he seeks a molecular understanding of fundamental biological processes that at the same time may help in developing new approaches for protein engineering and human therapy.
Selected Publications
- Feige, Matthias J.; Buchner, Johannes: Principles and engineering of antibody folding and assembly. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics 1844 (11), 2014, 2024-2031.
- Feige, M. J.; Grawert, M. A.; Marcinowski, M.; Hennig, J.; Behnke, J.; Auslander, D.; Herold, E. M.; Peschek, J.; Castro, C. D.; Flajnik, M.; Hendershot, L. M.; Sattler, M.; Groll, M.; Buchner, J.: The structural analysis of shark IgNAR antibodies reveals evolutionary principles of immunoglobulins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (22), 2014, 8155-8160.
- Feige, Matthias J.; Hendershot, Linda M.: Quality Control of Integral Membrane Proteins by Assembly-Dependent Membrane Integration. Molecular Cell 51 (3), 2013, 297-309.
- Feige, Matthias J.; Groscurth, Sandra; Marcinowski, Moritz; Shimizu, Yuichiro; Kessler, Horst; Hendershot, Linda M.; Buchner, Johannes: An Unfolded CH1 Domain Controls the Assembly and Secretion of IgG Antibodies. Molecular Cell 34 (5), 2009, 569-579.
- Feige, M. J.; Groscurth, S.; Marcinowski, M.; Yew, Z. T.; Truffault, V.; Paci, E.; Kessler, H.; Buchner, J.: The structure of a folding intermediate provides insight into differences in immunoglobulin amyloidogenicity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (36), 2008, 13373-13378.
Publications as TUM-IAS-Fellow