Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
International Climate Protection Fellowship - Prospective leaders and postdocs with climate expertise - Become a host!
Every year, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation awards up to 15 International Climate Protection Fellowships to young leaders and up to five postdocs from non-European emerging or developing countries (see country list). Applicants should focus on the fight against climate change, adaptation strategies, the conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity, or the sustainable use of seas and oceans. Sustainability topics relating to natural resources, resource-conserving consumption, and urban development are also possible. The current call for applications runs until 1 February 2025.
Henriette Herz Scouting Program - Become a scout and recruit up to three Humboldt Research Fellows for your team through an expedited process! The Humboldt Foundation selects up to 40 scouts through a competitive peer-review process each year. The Henriette Herz Scouting Program is designed for (junior) professors, group leaders, and well-established researchers. As a scout, you can recommend up to three international research talents for a Humboldt Research Fellowship through a streamlined procedure. Following formal approval, the fellowship is granted directly within around four weeks. To promote diversity, the first researcher you recommend should be a female scientist. Information event online on 12 February 2025 2.00 p.m CET.
For further questions, contact Dr. Daniela Hägele, TUM Institute for Advanced Study (TUM-IAS),
E-Mail: daniela.haegele(at)tum.de; Or see also the Humboldt Advisory Service