Networked Cyber-Physical Systems (NetCyPhy)
The proposed research program of Professor John S. Baras from the University of Maryland under the Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship falls under the very important and currently rapidly evolving technical area of cyber-physical systems (CPS), with emphasis on the ubiquitous Networked CPS. As described below it covers both fundamental theoretical issues within this critical area as well as applications focused in three sub areas, each in collaboration with a senior TUM Professor, as follows:
a) Distributed collaborative control and inference methods for Networked CPS including networked control systems, heterogeneous sensor networks, human-robot collaboration, multi-agent cognitive systems, hybrid time (event-triggered and continuous time) distributed systems, smart power grids, smart connected cars, with Prof. Sandra Hirche.
b) New Information Theory and Probability Theory models, methods, algorithms for Networked CPS including multi-agent systems, learning and cognition, directed information in multi-feedback loop systems, communication network architectures, cooperative communications, network compression (coding) and network security problems for Networked CPS with Prof. Gerhard Kramer.
c) Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) for the synthesis and life-cycle management of Networked CPS including modeling, tradeoff analysis and validation-verification methods, frameworks and environments, and reference architectures with Professor Manfred Broy.
Professor Sandra Hirche of the TUM Chair of Information-oriented Control is hosting this Focus Group.
TUM-IAS funded doctoral candidate:
Touraj Soleymani (PhD in 2019), Information-oriented Control
Publications by the Focus Group