Alexander von Humboldt Awardees

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) is one of the most renowned research funding organizations in the world. Its international award winners and fellows are selected scientists and scholars and are among the highest-ranking experts in their fields. Given that both institutions, AvH and the TUM-IAS, promote and support top-level research through awards and fellowships, the TUM-IAS is proud to include Humboldt-Awardees and Humboldt-Professors as Members of TUM-IAS and Honorary Hans Fischer Senior Fellows. Members and Fellows are welcome to use the facilities of the TUM-IAS and will be invited to various events throughout the year.
Humboldt Professors
The TUM-IAS welcomes the Humboldt Professors as members of the TUM-IAS community.

Prof. Dr. Suvrit Sra
Home Institute: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
Technische Universität München: Resource Aware Machine Learning, TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology

Prof. Angela Schoellig
Home Institute: University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS)
Technische Universität München: Safety, Performance and Reliability of Learning Systems; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Prof. Daniel Rückert
Home Institute: Imperial College London, Department of Computing
Technische Universität München: Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Medicine, Klinikum rechts der Isar

Prof. Marco Caccamo
Home Institute: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Technische Universität München: Cyber-Physical Systems in Production Engineering

Prof. Andreas S. Schulz
Home Institute: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management
Technische Universität München: Quantitative Methods in Management and Economics

Prof. Matthias Tschöp
Home Institute: University of Cincinnati, School of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Technische Universität München: Metabolic Diseases

Prof. Hans-Arno Jacobsen
Home Institute: University of Toronto, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering & Department of Computer Science
Technische Universität München: Application and Middleware Systems

Prof. Gerhard Kramer
Home Institute: University of Southern California, Department of Electrical Engineering, USA
Technische Universität München: Institute for Communications Engineering

Prof. Burkhard Rost
Home Institute: Columbia University, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, New York
Technische Universität München: Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Humboldt Awardees
The TUM-IAS welcomes the Humboldt Awardees as members of the TUM-IAS community.

Prof. Dr. Abigail G. Doyle
Award: Friedrich-Wilhelm Bessel Research Award
Date of Award: 2022
Home Institute: University of California, Doyle Group, Saul Winstein Chair in Organic Chemistry
Technische Universität München: Organic Molecular Chemistry, Chair of Organic Chemistry
Host: Prof. Thorsten Bach

Prof. Dr. Polina Bayvel
Award: Carl Friedrich von Siemens Research Award
Date of Award: 2023
Home Institute: Optical Networks Group, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, UCL and ICCS
Technische Universität München: Institute of Communications Engineering
Hosts: Prof. Gerhard Kramer

Prof. Dr. Kit Hansell Bowen
Award: Humboldt Research Award
Date of Award: 1998
Home Institute: John Hopkins University, Department of Chemistry
Technische Universität München: Chair of Physical Chemistry
Host: Prof. Ulrich Heiz

Prof. Dr. David A. Egger
Award: Sofja Kovalevskaja Award
Date of Award: 2016
Home Institute: Chair of Experimental Physics, Professorship Theory of Functional Energy Materials
Technische Universität München: Chair of Experimental Physics, Professorship Theory of Functional Energy Materials
Host: Prof. Johannes Barth

Prof. Dr. Margaret E. Roberts
Award: Max Planck-Humboldt Research Award
Date of Award: 2022
Home Institute: University of San Diego, Department of Political Science
Technische Universität München: Chair of Digital Governance, School of Politics and Public Policy
Host: Prof. Yannis Theocharis

Prof. Dr. Julian I. Schroeder
Award: Carl Friedrich von Siemens Research Award
Date of Award: 2021
Home Institute: University of San Diego, School of Biological Sciences, Department of Cells and Developmental Biology
Technische Universität München: Chair of Botanics, School of Life Sciences
Host: Prof. Erwin Grill

Prof. Dr. Andreas Winter
Award: Carl Friedrich von Siemens Research Award
Date of Award: 2022
Home Institute: Universita Autonoma de Barcelona, Quantum Information Group
Technische Universität München: Chair of Theoretical Information Technology, School of Computation, Information, and Technology
Host: Prof. Holger Boche

Prof. Dr. Hong-Cai Zhou
Award: Humboldt Research Award
Date of Award: 2022
Home Institute: Texas A&M University, Department of Chemistry, Robert A. Welch Foundation Chair
Technische Universität München: Chair of Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry, School of Natural Sciences
Host: Prof. Roland A. Fischer

Prof. Dr. Natalia Shustova
Award: Friedrich-Wilhelm Bessel Research Award
Date of Award: 2023
Home Institute: University of South Carolina, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Technische Universität München: Chair of Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry, School of Natural Sciences
Host: Prof. Roland A. Fischer

Prof. Dr. Meisong Tong
Award: Carl Friedrich von Siemens Research Award
Date of Award: 2023
Home Institute: Tongji University, Department of Electronic Science and Technology
Technische Universität München: Chair of High-Frequency Engineering, School of Computation, Information, and Technology
Host: Prof. Thomas Eibert

Prof. Dr. Myung Shik Kim
Award: Carl Friedrich von Siemens Research Award
Date of Award: 2021
Home Institute: Imperial College London,Chair in Theoretical Quantum Information Sciences Department of Physics - Faculty of Natural Sciences
Technische Universität München: Professorship of Theory of Quantum Materials and Nanophysics
Host: Prof. Johannes Knolle

Prof. Dr. Natalia Perkins
Award: Carl Friedrich von Siemens Research Award
Date of Award: 2022
Home Institute: University of Minnesota, School of Physics and Astronomy
Technische Universität München: Professorship of Theory of Quantum Materials and Nanophysics
Host: Prof. Johannes Knolle

Prof. Mikhail A. Belkin
Award: Friedrich-Wilhelm Bessel Research Award
Date of Award: 2015
Home Institute: University of Texas at Austin, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Technische Universität München: Semiconductor Technology
Host: Prof. Markus-Christian Amann

Prof. Peter Boncz
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 2013
Home Institute: Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU University)
Technische Universität München: Informatics
Hosts: Prof. Alfons Kemper, Prof. Thomas Neumann

Prof. Ahmed Bouajjani
Award: Carl Friedrich von Siemens Research Award
Date of Award: 2018
Home Institute: Université Paris Diderot, Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamental (IRIF)
Technische Universität München: Informatics
Hosts: Prof. Javier Esparza

Prof. Constance Chang-Hasnain
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 2009
Home Institute: University of California, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Berkeley
Technische Universität München: Semiconductor Technology
Host: Prof. Markus-Christian Amann

Prof. Chang Wen Chen
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 2009
Home Institute: University at Buffalo, State University of New York, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Technische Universität München: Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Host: Prof. Eckehard Steinbach

Prof. Nigel Cooper
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 2012
Home Institute: University of Cambridge, Department of Physics, Cavendish Laboratory
Technische Universität München: Physics
Host: Prof. Wilhelm Zwerger

Prof. Eugene Demler
Award: Carl Friedrich von Siemens Research Award
Date of Award: 2014
Home Institute: Harvard University, Department of Physics
Technische Universität München: Department of Physics
Host: Prof. Wilhelm Zwerger

Prof. William A. Eaton
Home Institute: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Bethesda, USA
Technische Universität München: Biophysical Chemistry
Host: Prof. Thomas Kiefhaber

Prof. Alexander L. Efros
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 2007
Home Institute: Naval Research Laboratory, Nanostructure Optics Section, Washington, D.C.
Technische Universität München: Physics
Host: Prof. Gerhard Abstreiter

Prof. Estia J. Eichten
Award: Carl Friedrich von Siemens Research Award
Date of Award: 2018
Home Institute: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Technische Universität München: Munich Instiitute for Astro- and Particle Physics (MIAPP)
Host: Prof. Andrzej J. Buras

Dr. Stefano Fabris
Award: Friedrich-Wilhelm Bessel Research Award
Date of Award: 2015
Home Institute: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto officina dei materiali
Technische Universität München: Physical Chemistry
Host: Prof. Ulrich Heiz

Prof. Ben L. Feringa
Home Institute: University of Groningen, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Stratingh Institute for Chemistry, The Netherlands
Technische Universität München: Organic Chemistry I
Host: Prof. Thorsten Bach

Prof. M.G. Finn
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 2011
Home Institute: School of Chemistry & Biochemistry, School of Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology
Technische Universität München: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
Host: Prof. Horst Kessler

Prof. Dieter Fox
Award: Friedrich-Wilhelm Bessel Research Award
Date of Award: 2013
Home Institute: University of Washington, Seattle, Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Technische Universität München: Automatic Control Engineering
Host: Prof. Martin Buss

Prof. Brian C. Freeman
Award: Friedrich-Wilhelm Bessel Research Award
Date of Award: 2011
Home Institute: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, USA
Technische Universität München: Biotechnology
Host: Prof. Dr. Johannes Buchner

Prof. Michel Géradin
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 2014
Home Institute: Université de Liège, Laboratoire des Techniques Aeronautiques et Spatiales
Technische Universität München: Applied Mechanics
Host: Prof. Daniel Rixen

Prof. Naira Hovakimyan
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 2014
Home Institute: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering
Technische Universität München: Flight System Dynamics
Host: Prof. Florian Holzapfel

Prof. Yoshihisa Inoue
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 2010
Home Institute: Osaka University, Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering
Technische Universität München: Organic Chemistry I
Host: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bach

Prof. Roberta L. Klatzky
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 2010
Home Institute: Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Psychology, Pittsburgh, USA
Technische Universität München: Automatic Control Engineering
Host: Prof. Martin Buss

Prof. George Em Karniadakis
Award: Carl Friedrich von Siemens Research Award
Date of Award: 2017
Home Institute: Brown University, Division of Applied Mathematics
Technische Universität München: Chair of Aerodynamics and Fluid mechanics
Host: Prof. Nikolaus A. Adams

Prof. Shu Kobayashi
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 2013
Home Institute: The University of Tokyo, Department of Chemistry, Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Technische Universität München: Organic Chemistry I
Host: Prof. Thorsten Bach

Prof. Steffen Lauritzen
Award: Carl Friedrich von Siemens Research Award
Date of Award: 2016
Home Institute: University of Copenhagen, Department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology
Technische Universität München: Mathematical Statistics
Host: Prof. Dr. Claudia Klüppelberg

Prof. André Longtin
Home Institute: University of Ottawa, Department of Physics, Center for Neural Dynamics
Technische Universität München: Theoretical Biophysics
Host: Prof. J. Leo van Hemmen

Prof. Marc Noy
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 2011
Home Institute: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Department of Applied Mathematics, Spain
Technische Universität München: Mathematics M9; Applied Geometry and Discrete Mathematics
Host: Prof. Anusch Taraz

Prof. Gottfried Otting
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 2009
Home Institute: Australian National University, Research School of Chemistry, Canberra
Technische Universität München: Chemistry, Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy (Prof. Sattler), Organic Chemistry (Prof. Glaser)
Hosts: Prof. Steffen Glaser, Prof. Michael Sattler

Prof. Antonio Pich Zardoya
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 2010
Home Institute: Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular, Edifici d´Instituts de Paterna, Universidad de Valencia
Technische Universität München: Physics T31, Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics (Prof. Buras); Physics T30F (Prof. Brambilla)
Hosts: Prof. Andrzej J. Buras, Prof. Nora Brambilla

Prof. Martin Reisslein
Award: Friedrich-Wilhelm Bessel Research Award
Date of Award: 2014
Home Institute: Arizona State University, School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
Technische Universität München: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Host: Prof. Eckehard Steinbach

Prof. George D. Rose
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 2011
Home Institute: Johns Hopkins University, Department of Biophysics, USA
Technische Universität München: Biophysical Chemistry
Host: Prof. Thomas Kiefhaber

Prof. Andreas S. Schulz
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 2010
Home Institute: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Technische Universität München: Applied Geometry and Discrete Mathematics
Host: Prof. Peter Gritzmann

Prof. Andrzej Ludwik Sobolewski
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 1983
Home Institute: Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics
Technische Universität München: Chemistry
Host: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Domcke

Prof. Devarajan Thirumalai
Award: Humboldt Reasearch Award
Date of Award: 2009
Home Institute: University of Maryland at College Park, Institute for Physical Science and Technology, USA
Technische Universität München: Molecular & Cellular Biophysics
Host: Prof. Matthias Rief

Prof. Tehshik Peter Yoon
Award: Friedrich-Wilhelm Bessel Research Award
Date of Award: 2014
Home Institute: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Chemistry
Technische Universität München: Organic Chemistry
Host: Prof. Thorsten Bach