Intestinal inflammation, anastomotic healing and fibrosis
This group, including Albrecht Struppler Clinician Scientist Fellow PD Dr. Philipp-Alexander Neumann (Clinic and Polyclinic for Surgery, TUM university hospital Klinikum Rechts der Isar), doctoral student Annalisa Buck, and TUM collaboration partner Dr. Dirk Haller (Nutrition and Immunology, TUM), focuses on delineating the impact of the gut’s microbiome and the WNT-pathway on fibrosis development in Crohn’s disease. A novel combination of classic intestinal inflammation models, combined with surgical procedures and molecular analysis, shall bring new insights into the mechanism behind intestinal anastomotic healing and fibrosis in IBD.
TUM-IAS funded doctoral candidate:
Annalisa Buck, Clinic and Polyclinic for Surgery, TUM university hospital Klinikum Rechts der Isar