Philipp-Alexander Neumann
Albrecht Struppler Clinician Scientist Fellowship
University Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich
Department of Surgery
Focus Group
Intestinal inflammation, anastomotic healing and fibrosis
Short CV
PD Dr. Philipp-Alexander Neumann is a surgeon, physician scientist and PI of his group at the Department of Surgery at the Technical University of Munich, Germany (TUM). Next to his clinical career in surgery, he has specialized on basic and clinical science of colorectal surgery with special interest in inflammatory bowel diseases. During his postdoctoral fellowship at Emory University Atlanta, USA, he has been part in numerous projects related to epithelial wound closure and inflammatory models in the gut. Since 2011 his research has focused on the role of mediators of intestinal inflammation and wound closure. He has successfully established the preclinical murine models of intestinal anastomotic healing in combination with IBD and colitis models. His research group further focusses on elucidating the pathophysiology of intestinal fibrosis formation in IBD and especially Crohn’s disease.
Selected Awards
- Member of the academy for excellence of the German chairs for surgery (Exzellenzakademie der Lehstuhlinhaber für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie), since 2018
- Travel grants of the bavarian surgical society (VBC) as well as the german society for digestive surgery (DGAV), 2022 and 2020
- Most innvative paper award of the Journal “Endoscopy”, 2017
Research Interests
Colorectal surgery/ Inflammatory bowel diseases/ perioperative immune response/ intestinal inflammation/ anastomotic healing/ wound healing/ Wnt signaling/ fibrosis/ resolution of inflammation
Selected Publications
- Leoni G*, Neumann PA*, Kamaly N, Quiros M, Nishio H, Jones HR, Sumagin R, Hilgarth RS, Alam A, Fredman G, Argyris I, Rijcken E, Kusters D, Reutelingsperger C, Perretti M, Parkos CA, Farokhzad OC, Neish AS, Nusrat A. Annexin A1-containing extracellular vesicles and polymeric nanoparticles promote epithelial wound repair. J Clin Invest. 2015 *equal contribution
- Quiros M*, Nishio H*, Neumann PA*, Siuda D, Brazil JC, Azcutia V, Hilgarth R, O'Leary MN, Garcia-Hernandez V, Leoni G, Feng M, Bernal G, Williams H, Dedhia PH, Gerner-Smidt C, Spence J, Parkos CA, Denning TL, Nusrat A. Macrophage- derived IL-10 mediates mucosal repair by epithelial WISP-1 signaling. J Clin Invest. 2017 *equal contribution
- Reischl S, Lee JH, Miltschitzky JRE, Vieregge V, Walter RL, Twardy V, Kasajima A, Friess H, Kamaly N, Neumann PA. Ac2-26-Nanoparticles Induce Resolution of Intestinal Inflammation and Anastomotic Healing via Inhibition of NF-κB Signaling in a Model of Perioperative Colitis. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2021
- Miltschitzky JRE, Clees Z, Weber MC, Vieregge V, Walter RL, Friess H, Reischl S, Neumann PA. Intestinal anastomotic healing models during experimental colitis. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2021
- Reischl S, Wilhelm D, Friess H, Neumann PA. Innovative approaches for induction of gastrointestinal anastomotic healing: an update on experimental and clinical aspects. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2021
- Neumann PA, Twardy V, Becker F, Geyer C, Schwegmann K, Mohr A, Faust A, Lenz P, Rijcken E. Assessment of MMP-2/-9 expression by fluorescence endoscopy for evaluation of anastomotic healing in a murine model of anastomotic leakage. PLoS One. 2018
- Neumann PA, Koch S, Hilgarth RS, Perez-Chanona E, Denning P, Jobin C, Nusrat A. Gut commensal bacteria and regional Wnt gene expression in the proximal versus distal colon. Am J Pathol. 2014
- Rijcken E, Sachs L, Fuchs T, Spiegel HU, Neumann PA. Growth factors and gastrointestinal anastomotic healing. J Surg Res. 2014
Xu R, Weber MC, Hu X, Neumann PA, Kamaly N. Annexin A1 based inflammation resolving mediators and nanomedicines for inflammatory bowel disease therapy. Semin Immunol. 2022