Travel Behavior
In the Focus Group Travel Behavior, former Hans Fischer Senior Fellow Prof. Kelly J. Clifton (University of British Columbia), Hans Fischer Senior Fellow Prof. Greg Erhardt (University of Kentucky) and their host former Rudolf Mößbauer Tenure Track Prof. Rolf Moeckel (TUM Department of Mobility Systems Engineering) focus on integrated modeling of land use and transport, together with travel behavior research. This includes model development of land use, transport, and related models, such as environmental impact models, health models, and fiscal impact models. This also includes the spatial analysis of travel behavior and location choice of households and firms. The interaction between land use and transport is of special interest. Ultimately, models and spatial analyses should improve policy analysis by extending scenario capabilities and by improving model sensitivities.
The Focus Group Travel Behavior emerged from the former Focus Group Modeling Spatial Mobility.
TUM-IAS funded doctoral candidate:
Zhihua Jin, TUM Department of Mobility Systems Engineering
Publication by the Focus Group