Short CV
Gino Isidori received his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Rome in 1996 (Advisor: Prof. Luciano Maiani). He came to the S.L.A.C. Theory Group in Stanford, USA in 1997 as a visiting scientist and joined TUM Theory Group in 2000 as a visiting scientist. From 2000 to 2002 he was a CERN Fellow at the CERN Theory Division in Geneva, Switzerland. In 2004 Isidori became a Guest Professor at the Physics Department at Bern University. He was working as Professore a Contratto at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa (Italy) from 2007 to 2008. From 2007 to 2014, he was Research Director at I.N.F.N. Frascati National Laboratories in Italy. Since June 2014, Gino Isidori has been a Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Department of Physics of the University of Zurich (UZH).
Selected Awards
- 2005, “First class” researcher in the sector of 2005 theoretical physics (I.N.F.N. national contest)
- 1994, Antonio Stanghellini fellowship, Italian Society of Physics
- 1987-990, Enrico Persico fellowship (prize for undergraduate students), Academia Nazionale dei Lincei (Rome)
Research Interests
Isidori’s main research interest is the theoretical and the phenomenological investigation of fundamental interactions. Within this field they are at the dawn of a new era: the era of the systematic exploration of the TeV energy range at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), at CERN. Theoretical considerations suggest that at these energies they should observe the first clues of new fundamental interactions, or the first clues about new dynamics beyond the so-called Standard Model of particle physics. In this context, his research activity is focused on the formulation of extensions of the Standard Model able to: take into account the phenomenological indications that will emerge from the LHC (and possibly from new high-precision low-energy experiments); incorporate the successes of the Standard Model at low energies; cure the theoretical problems of the Model and extend its validity above the TeV energy range.
Selected Publications
- 't Hooft, G.; Isidori, G.; Maiani, L.; Polosa, A.D.; Riquer, V.: A theory of scalar mesons. Physics Letters B 662 (5), 2008, 424-430.
- Cirigliano, Vincenzo; Grinstein, Benjamín; Isidori, Gino; Wise, Mark B.: Minimal flavor violation in the lepton sector. Nuclear Physics B 728 (1-3), 2005, 121-134.
- Cabibbo, Nicola; Isidori, Gino: Pion-pion scattering and the K→3π decay amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics 2005 (03), 2005, 021-021 .
- D'Ambrosio, G.; Giudice, G.F.; Isidori, G.; Strumia, A.: Minimal flavour violation: an effective field theory approach. Nuclear Physics B 645 (1-2), 2002, 155-187.
- Isidori, Gino; Retico, Alessandra: Scalar flavour-changing neutral currents in the large-tan(β) limit. Journal of High Energy Physics 2001 (11), 2001, 001-001.
- Isidori, Gino; Ridolfi, Giovanni; Strumia, Alessandro: On the metastability of the Standard Model vacuum. Nuclear Physics B 609 (3), 2001, 387-409.
- Colangelo, Gilberto; Isidori, Gino: Supersymmetric contributions to rare kaon decays. Journal of High Energy Physics 1998 (09), 1998, 009-009.
- Buchalla, G.; Isidori, G.; Rey, S.-J.: Corrections of order to inclusive rare B decays. Nuclear Physics B 511 (3), 1998, 594-610.
- D'Ambrosio, G.; Isisdori, G.: CP Violation Kaon Decays. International Journal of Modern Physics A 13 (01), 1998, 1-93.
- Altarelli, G.; Isidori, G.: Lower limit on the Higgs mass in the standard model: An update. Physics Letters B 337 (1-2), 1994, 141-144.
Publications as TUM-IAS-Fellow