Short CV
Eleni Chatzi received her PhD (2010) from the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at Columbia University, New York. She is currently an Associate Professor and Chair of Structural Mechanics and Monitoring at the Institute of Structural Engineering of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering of ETH Zürich. Her research interests include the fields of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) and structural dynamics, nonlinear system identification, and intelligent life-cycle assessment for engineered systems. She is an author of over 280 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and further serves as an editor for international journals in the domains of Dynamics and SHM, including the Journal of Sound and Vibration, Structure & Infrastructure Engineering, the Journal of Structural Engineering, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, the Journal of Engineering Mechanics, as well as the Sections on Structural Sensing and Computational Methods in Structural Engineering of Frontiers in Built Environment. She is currently leading the ERC Starting Grant WINDMIL on the topic of "Smart Monitoring, Inspection and Life-Cycle Assessment of Wind Turbines". Her work in the domain of self-aware infrastructure was recognized with the 2020 Walter L. Huber Research prize, awarded by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). She is further recipient of the 2020 EASD Junior Research Prize in the area of Computational Structural Dynamics.
Selected Awards
- 2020, EASD Junior Research Prize in the area of Computational Structural Dynamics, awarded by the European Association of Structural Dynamics (EASD)
- 2020, ASCE Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize
- 2019, Best paper of the year award, ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering (DOI link)
- 2019, Telford Premium Prize best paper award
- 2019, TUM-IAS Hans Fischer Fellowship awarded by the TÜV Süd Foundation
- 2018, Marquis Who’s Who in the World
- 2016, T. Francis Ogilvie Young Investigator Lecture award, awarded by the Center for Ocean Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- 2015, ERC Starting Grant 2015 Award, ERC-2015-StG #679843
- 2010, Doctoral Dissertation Distinction from the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science at Columbia University
- 2009, The Mindlin Award from the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics in Columbia University
- 2006, Fulbright Scholarship
Research Interests
- Structural Health Monitoring powered by Time Series Analysis & Machine Learning
- Identification of Nonlinear Structural Systems
- Data-driven Methods for Intelligent Systems
- Computational Mechanics for Plasticity, Fracture & Multiscale Analysis
- Life-Cycle Assessment & Decision Support for Predictive Maintenance
Selected Publications
- Agathos, K., Chatzi, E., Bordas, P.A., and Talaslidis, D. (2015), “A well-conditioned and optimally convergent XFEM for 3D linear elastic fracture”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 105(9), 643–677.
- Chatzis M.N., Chatzi E.N., and Smyth A.W. (2015), “An experimental validation of time domain system identification methods with fusion of heterogeneous data”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 44(4), 523–547, doi:10.1002/eqe.2528.
- Spiridonakos, M., and Chatzi, E.N. (2015), “Metamodeling of Dynamic Nonlinear Structural Systems through Polynomial Chaos NARX Models”, Computers & Structures, 157, 99-113.
- Schöbi, R., and Chatzi, E.N., “Maintenance Planning using Continuous-State POMDPs and Nonlinear Action Models”, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, published online: 14 Sep 2015, doi:10.1080/15732479.2015.1076485
- Eftekhar-Azam, S.E., Chatzi, E., and Papadimitriou, C. (2015), “A dual Kalman filter approach for state estimation via output-only acceleration measurements”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 60-61, 866-886.
- Chatzis, M.N., Chatzi, E.N., and Smyth, A.W. (2014), “On the Observability and identifiability methods for structural and mechanical Systems”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 22(3), 574-593.
- Triantafyllou, S.P., Chatzi, E.N. (2014), “A hysteretic multiscale formulation for the nonlinear dynamic analysis of composite materials”, Computational Mechanics, 54(3), 763-787.
- Fuggini, C., Chatzi, E. and Zangani, D. (2013), “Combining Genetic Algorithms with a Meso-Scale Approach for System Identification of a Smart Polymeric Textile”, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 28(3), 227–245, doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8667.2012.00789.x
- Chatzi, E.N., Hiriyur, B.K., Waisman, H., and Smyth, A.W., (2011), “Experimental application and enhancement of the XFEM-GA algorithm for the detection of flaws in structures", Computers & Structures, 89(7-8), 556-570.
- Chatzi, E.N., Smyth, A.W., and Masri, S.F. (2010), “Experimental application of on-line parametric identification for nonlinear hysteretic systems with model uncertainty”, Journal of Structural Safety, Structural Safety, 32(5), 326-337.
- Chatzi, E., and Smyth, A.W. (2009), “The unscented Kalman filter and particle filter methods for nonlinear structural system identification with non-collocated heterogeneous sensing”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 16(1), 99-123.
Publications as TUM-IAS-Fellow