Short CV
Gerhard Abstreiter was born in Allershausen, Bavaria. He graduated from Technische Universität München (TUM) in physics in 1973 and received his PhD in 1975 working on cyclotron resonance in Si inversion layers. From 1975 until 1979 he was postdoc and staff scientist at Max Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung in Stuttgart and Grenoble. He returned to TUM Physics Department as group leader in 1979 and became full professor and director of the newly founded Walter Schottky Institut in 1987. Abstreiter has held visiting professorships at University of Innsbruck, at UCSB, at Columbia University and at University of Tokyo since then. He is author or co-author of more than 550 publications which have been cited more than 13000 times. Among the various awards and honours which he received are the Walter Schottky Prize (DPG), the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize (DFG), the Max Born Prize and Medal (DPG and IOP) and the von Schelling Prize (Bavarian Academy of Sciences). He became Fellow of the American Physical Society in1992 and was elected as member of the Bavarian Academy of Science in 2007 and as member of acatech in 2009. Since 2010 Abstreiter is Carl von Linde Senior Fellow of the TUM Institute for Advanced Study.
Selected Awards
- 2009, Member of acatech
- 2007, Member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences
- 1992, Fellow of the American Physical Society
Research Interests
His field of interest covers in general experimental semiconductor physics with special emphasis to structural, electronic and optical properties of nanostructures, molecular beam epitaxy for high purity hetero- and nanostructures, self-assembly and self-organisation of semiconductor quantum dots, and development of novel devices for nano-electronics, optoelectronics, quantum information technology, and bio-sensing.
Selected Publications
- Fontcuberta i Morral, Anna; Spirkoska, Danče; Arbiol, Jordi; Heigoldt, Matthias; Morante, Joan Ramon; Abstreiter, Gerhard: Prismatic Quantum Heterostructures Synthesized on Molecular‐Beam Epitaxy GaAs Nanowires. Small 4 (7), 2008, 899-903.
- Krenner, H. J.; Sabathil, M.; Clark, E. C.; Kress, A.; Schuh, D.; Bichler, M.; Abstreiter, G.; Finley, J. J.: Direct Observation of Controlled Coupling in an Individual Quantum Dot Molecule. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (5), 2005.
- Rant, Ulrich; Arinaga, Kenji; Fujita, Shozo; Yokoyama, Naoki; Abstreiter, Gerhard; Tornow, Marc: Dynamic Electrical Switching of DNA Layers on a Metal Surface. Nano Letters 4 (12), 2004, 2441-2445.
- Kroutvar, Miro; Ducommun, Yann; Heiss, Dominik; Bichler, Max; Schuh, Dieter; Abstreiter, Gerhard; Finley, Jonathan J.: Optically programmable electron spin memory using semiconductor quantum dots. Nature 432 (7013), 2004, 81-84.
- Zrenner, A.; Beham, E.; Stufler, S.; Findeis, F.; Bichler, M.; Abstreiter, G.: Coherent properties of a two-level system based on a quantum-dot photodiode. Nature 418 (6898), 2002, 612-614.
- Schedelbeck, G.: Coupled Quantum Dots Fabricated by Cleaved Edge Overgrowth: From Artificial Atoms to Molecules. Science 278 (5344), 1997, 1792-1795.
- Brunner, K.; Abstreiter, G.; Böhm, G.; Tränkle, G.; Weimann, G.: Sharp-Line Photoluminescence and Two-Photon Absorption of Zero-Dimensional Biexcitons in a GaAs/AlGaAs Structure. Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (8), 1994, 1138-1141.
- Abstreiter, G.; Brugger, H.; Wolf, T.; Jorke, H.; Herzog, H. J.: Strain-Induced Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in Selectively Doped Si / Si x Ge 1 − x Superlattices. Phys. Rev. Lett. 54 (22), 1985, 2441-2444.
- Abstreiter, Gerhard: Electronic properties of the two-dimensional system at GaAs/AlxGa1−xAs interfaces. Surface Science 98 (1-3), 1980, 117-125.
- Abstreiter, Gerhard; Kotthaus, J. P.; Koch, J. F.; Dorda, G.: Cyclotron resonance of electrons in surface space-charge layers on silicon. Phys. Rev. B 14 (6), 1976, 2480-2493.
Publications as TUM-IAS-Fellow