Quantum Logic and the Second Quantum Revolution
Quantum Logic and the Second Quantum Revolution
The Focus Group Quantum Logic and the Second Quantum Revolution involves the Philosopher in Residence Fellow Prof. Roberto Giuntini (University of Cagliari) and his hosts: Prof. Hans-Joachim Bungartz (Chair of Scientific Computing in Computer Science – SCCS, TUM Department of Informatics), Prof. Klaus Mainzer (TUM Emeritus of Excellence) and Prof. Stefania Centrone (Professor of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science).
Against the backdrop of some extant models, we will look after a unified model driven towards possible applications of important properties of the quantum formalism. We will attempt a general evolutionary model for some classes of phenomena beyond the domain of microphysic with a special eye to practical and social impact, especially in the domain of machine learning, with possible repercussions on social, cognitive and biomedical sciences. A special attention will be devoted to a comparison between the behavior of artificial and of human intelligences in the procedures regarding recognitions of concepts and classifications of objects. Identifying an intrinsic “quantumness” in the general evolution of natural and of human processes will bring about a conspicuous impact in terms of knowledge-advancement, bridging the gap between different disciplines. Attaining a new class of potentially faster and more accurate quantum-inspired classification-algorithms, for example, may grant a formidable tool for bigdata science, as well as a new predictive instrument for cognitive and social sciences and a diagnostic support for biomedical sciences.