Short CV
Natalia B. Shustova received her M.S. degree in Materials Science from Moscow State University (MSU), Russia and two Ph.D. degrees in Physical Chemistry (MSU) and Inorganic Chemistry (Colorado State University). Her postdoctoral research was conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 2013, Natalia was appointed as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of South Carolina (USC). After four years, she has been promoted to the rank of an Associate Professor with tenure, and currently, Natalia is a McCausland Full Professor at the University of South Carolina. Natalia is a co-author of more than 95 papers, two book chapters, and delivered more than 100 scientific talks. Since 2016, Natalia has also served as an associate editor of Materials Chemistry Frontiers.During her independent career, she has received many prestigious awards such as the National Science Foundation CAREER Award, Cottrell Scholar Award, Alfred P. Sloan Research Award, Breakthrough Award, and Camille Dreyfus Teaching-Scholar Award. Natalia was named a Scialog Fellow of the Research Corporation for Science Advancement, which accelerates 21st century transformational science through research, dialog, and community outreach. At USC, Natalia was selected as a McCausland Faculty Fellow, which is given to early career faculty who bring innovation to their research and teaching. Her current research interests include graphitic hybrid materials for sustainable energy conversion, stimuli-responsive materials, sensors, and artificial biomimetic systems.
Selected Awards
- 2020, IAS Hans Fischer Fellowship
- 2019, Camille Dreyfus Teaching-Scholar Award
- 2019, McCausland Fellowship
- 2019, Distinguished Undergraduate Research Mentor Award
- 2017, Alfred P. Sloan Research Award
- 2017, Cottrell Scholar Award – Research Corporation for Science Advancement
- 2017, Breakthrough Award
- 2017, Scialog Fellow, Research Corporation for Science Advancement
- 2016, NSF CAREER Award
Research Interests
- Photophysics of metal-organic frameworks
- Covalent-organic frameworks
- Energy transfer
- Actinide chemistry
- Gas-phase heterogeneous catalysis
- Fulleretic materials
Selected Publications
- Dolgopolova, E. A.; Berseneva, A. A.; Faillace, M. S.; Ejegbavwo, O. A.; Leith, G. A.; Choi, S. W.; Gregory, H. N.; Rice, A. M.; Smith, M. D.; Chruszcz, M.; Garashchuk, S.; Mythreye, K.; Shustova, N. B.: “Confinement-Driven Photophysics in Cages, Covalent−Organic Frameworks, Metal−Organic Frameworks, and DNA” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 4769–4783.
- Leith, G. A.; Rice, A. M.; Yarbrough, B. J.; Berseneva, A. A.; Ly, R. T.; Buck, C. N. III; Chusov, D.; Brandt, A. J.; Chen, D. A.; Lamm, B. W.; Stefik, M.; Stephenson, K. S.; Smith, M. D.; Vannnucci, A. K.; Pellechia, P. J.; Garashchuk, S.; Shustova, N. B.: “A Dual Threat: Redox-Activity and Electronic Structures of Well-Defined Donor-Acceptor Fulleretic Covalent-Organic Materials” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 2–19.
- Ejegbavwo, O. E.; Berseneva, A. A.; Martin, C. R.; Leith, G. A.; Pandey, S.; Brandt, A. J.; Park, K. C.; Mathur, A.; Farzandh, S.; Klepov, V. V.; Heiser, B. J.; Chandrashekhar, Mvs.; Karakalos, S. G.; Smith, M. D.; Phillpot, S. R.; Garashchuk, S.; Chen, D. A.; Shustova, N. B.: “Heterometallic Multinuclear Nodes Directing MOF Electronic Behavior” Chem. Sci. 2020, 11 7379–7389.!divAbstract
- Ejegbavwo, O. A.; Martin, C. R., Oyindamola, A. O.; Leith, G. A.; Ly, R. T.; Rice, A. M.; Dolgopolova, E. A.; Smith, M. D.; Karakalos, S. G.; Birkner, N.; Powell, B. A.; Pandey, S.; Koch, R. J.; Misture, S. T.; zur Loye, H.-C.; Phillpot, S. R.; Brinkman, K. S.; Shustova, N. B.: “Thermodynamics and Electronic Properties of Heterometallic Multinuclear An-MOFs with “Structural Memory”” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 11628–11640
- Dolgopolova, E. A.; Galitskiy, V. A.; Martin, C. R.; Gregory, H. N.; Yarbrough, B. J.; Rice, A. M.; Berseneva, A. A.; Ejegbavwo, O. A.; Stephenson, K. S.; Kittikhunnatham, P.; Karakalos, S. G.; Smith, M. D.; Greytak, A. B.; Garashchuk, S.; Shustova, N. B.: “Connecting Wires: Photoinduced Electronic Structure Modulation in Metal-Organic Frameworks J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 5350–5355.
- Shakya, D. M.; Ejegbavwo, O. A.; Rajeshkumar, T.; Senanayake, S. D.; Brandt, A. J.; Farzandh, S.; Acharya, N.; Ebrahim, A. M.; Frenkel, A. I.; Rui, N.; Tate, G. L.; Monnier, J. R.; Vogiatzis, K. D.; Shustova, N. B.:; Chen, D. A. “Selective Catalytic Chemistry at Rhodium (II) Nodes in Bimetallic Metal-Organic Frameworks” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 131, 58, 16533–16537.
- Williams, D. E.; Martin, C. R.; Dolgopolova, E. A.; Swifton, A.; Godfrey, D. C.; Ejegbavwo, O. A.; Pellechia, P.; Smith, M. D.; Shustova, N. B.: “Flipping the Switch: Fast Photoisomerization in a Confined Environment” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 40, 7611–7622.
- Rice, E. A.; Dolgopolova E. A.; Yarbrough, B. J.; Leith G. A.; Martin C. R.; Stephenson, K. S.; Heugh, R. A.; Brandt, A. J.; Chen. D. A.; Karakalos, S. G.; Smith M. D.; Hatzell, K. B.; Pellechia, P. J.; Garashchuk, S.; Shustova, N. B.: “Stack the Bowls: Tailoring the Electronic Structure of Corannulene‐Integrated Crystalline Materials” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 17310–17315.
- Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 8072–8080 "Heterometallic Actinide-Containing Photoresponsive Metal-Organic Frameworks: Dynamic and Static Tuning of Electronic Properties" Martin, C. R.; Leith, G. A.; Kittikhunnatham, P.; Park, K. C.; Ejegbavwo, O. A.; Mathur, A.; Callahan, C. R.; Desmond, S. L.; Keener, M. R.; Ahmed, F.; Pandey, S.; Smith, M. D.; Phillpot, S. R.; Greytak, A. B.; Shustova, N. B.
- Chem. Soc. Rev., 2021, 50, 4382-4410 "Confinement-Guided Photophysics in MOFs, COFs, and Cages" Leith, G. A.; Martin, C. R.; Mayers, J. M., Kittikhunnatham, P.; Larsen, R. W.; Shustova, N. B.
- Chem. Sci., 2021, 10.1039/D0SC06755E “Broken-Hearted” Carbon Bowl via Electron Shuttle Reaction: Energetics and Electron Coupling" Leith, G. A.; Rice, A. M.; Yarbrough, B. J.; Kittikhunnatham, P.; Mathur, A.; Morris, N. A.; Francis, M. J.; Berseneva, A. A.; Dhull, P.; Adams, R. D.; Bobo, M. V.; Vannucci, A. A.; Smith, M. D.; Garashchuk, S.; Shustova, N. B.
- Faraday Discuss., 2021, 10.1039/D1FD00013F "Photoresponsive Frameworks: Energy Transfer in the Spotlight" Martin, C. R.; Park, K. C.; Corkill, R. E.; Kittikhunnatham, P.; Leith, G. A.; Mathur, A.; Abiodun, S. L.; Greytak, A. B.; Shustova, N. B.
- Adv. Energy Mater. 2021, Accepted "Dynamically-Controlled Electronic Behavior of Stimuli-Responsive Materials: Exploring Dimensionality and Connectivity" Leith, G. A.; Martin, C. R.; Mathur, A.; Kittikhunnatham, P.; Park, K. C.; Shustova, N. B.
Publications as TUM-IAS-Fellow