Call for Proposals: TUM-IAS Focal Periods 2017

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Background and goals

In the past years, an extremely successful scientific community has been established at TUM-IAS. The work performed within the different Focus Groups has led to high-level publications and events, thus increasing the visibility of the Institute. With interdisciplinarity and sustainability of collaboration as major objectives of the Institute, the TUM-IAS Focal Periods aim at supporting interaction between different Focus Groups, and between active Fellows and alumni Fellows around a certain theme. It is expected that the applicants agree on a joint collaboration and a joint research stay at TUM of at least two weeks during the Focal Period, and on a visible outcome of the joint work. This can be e.g. a conference presenting the results of the collaborative work, a jointly edited book on the research subject, or a larger research proposal to e.g. the EU.


Applications can be submitted by all Focus Groups of the TUM-IAS Community, including groups with alumni Fellows. Proposals (on any TUM-IAS related theme) must include the collaboration between at least two Focus Groups. Applications for projects including TUM-IAS Fellows representing different Fellowship categories and career stages are particularly welcome, as well as proposals including collaboration between areas that are not obviously related (following the “high risk, high reward” motto of TUM-IAS). Proposals must involve TUM Faculty – as Fellows (Carl von Linde, Rudolf Mößbauer Tenure Track) and/or as Hosts.

Supported activities

Applications for funding can include the following items:

  • Co-financing of a workshop/conference, presenting the results of the project (travel/accommodation, flyers/posters etc., no catering)
  • Travel grants for researchers from outside TUM

All costs have to be reported in a financial statement by the applicants (original receipts required).


Applications for up to €40,000 can be submitted. Projects must be started within six months after approval and have a duration of one year maximum. Per call, up to two projects will be awarded support.

Application and selection process

Please submit your joint applications exclusively in English and via email to Dr. Ana Santos Kühn ( by July 31, 2017. Successful applications will be selected by the TUM-IAS Director in consultation with the TUM-IAS Advisory Council on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Goals and feasibility of project, innovativeness;
  • Interdisciplinarity of the proposed collaboration and added value for TUM-IAS;
  • Added value for early-career researchers;
  • Sustainability of proposed activities (how can the cooperation be continued after the initial funding period?);
  • Concept for the final outcome (workshop/conference/book/research proposal …) for result dissemination;

Applicants will be informed by September 30, 2017, if their application has been successful.

Application documents

Please submit the following documents (email only):

  • Project description (no more than 5 pages), including expected outcome. While the projects have to include different Focus Groups, the proposal must foresee a coordinator/contact person for smoother implementation;
  • Time schedule;
  • Detailed budget (including other contributions if applicable);
  • Statement by the Dean(s)/Institute Director(s) at TUM in support of the project;


Dr. Ana Santos Kühn
Phone: + 49 89 289-10565