Am 2. Mai 2016 fand, veranstaltet vom Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) und dem Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, eine…
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TUM-IAS Rudolf Mößbauer Tenure Track <link de/active-fellows/knap-michael/>Professor Michael Knap</link>, member of the TUM-IAS Focus Group Collective…
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Hans Fischer Senior Fellow, awarded by the TÜV SÜD Foundation, Prof. Bernhard Schrefler (University of Padova), was selected as the Panel Chair for…
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TUM-IAS Carl von Linde Senior Fellow Hendrik Dietz, member of the TUM-IAS Focus Group Biologically Inspired Material Science, and a team of scientists…
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Three TUM-IAS Fellows are ranked within the top 1% by citations in their field:
Prof. Johannes Lehmann from Cornell University is a Hans Fischer…
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Hans Fisher Senior Fellow, awarded by the TÜV SÜD Foundation, Prof. Bernhard Schrefler (University of Padova), recently commenced his second term as a…
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TUM-IAS Hans Fischer Senior Fellow Professor Klaus Kaestner receives the Roy O. Greep Award for Outstanding Research. This annual award recognizes…
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TUM-IAS Rudolf Mößbauer Tenure Track Professor Matthias Feige, member of the TUM-IAS Focus Group Cellular Protein Biochemistry, and an international…
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A team of researchers lead by TUM-IAS host Prof. Matthias Tschöp recently published a manuscript with the title “Astrocytic insulin signaling couples…
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