Madeline Heilman received her BSc in child development and family relations from Cornell University in 1967, and her Ph.D. in social psychology in 1972 (social psychology) from Columbia University. After this, she joined the faculty at Yale’s School of Organization and Management and was a Visiting Professor at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business. Madeline E. Heilman is currently a professor of psychology at New York University. For over twenty years she was coordinator of the Industrial/Organizational Psychology program, which is now part of the Social Psychology program. A Fellow of SIOP, APA and APS, she currently serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Applied Psychology and the Academy of Management Review. Her research has focused on sex bias in work settings, the dynamics of stereotyping and the unintended consequences of preferential selection processes.
Research Interests
Madeline Heilman’s primary interests are applied social psychology and gender psychology. Her current research is part of a longstanding program of investigation concerning gender stereotypes and how they bias evaluations of women in work settings. There are three separate research interests that currently predominate.
The way in which the perceived lack of fit between stereotypes of women and perceptions of the requirements for jobs considered to be male in gender type leads to negative performance expectations, and resulting gender bias in judgments
The unintended negative effects of preferential selection on those who have been targeted to benefit from it
Gender stereotypic norms, which dictate the ways in which women should behave, and the disapproval and approbation women experience for violating these “shoulds”
Selected Publications
Heilman, Madeline E.; Okimoto, Tyler G.: Why are women penalized for success at male tasks?: The implied communality deficit. Journal of Applied Psychology 92 (1), 2007, 81-92.
Heilman, Madeline E.; Welle, Brian: Disadvantaged by Diversity? The Effects of Diversity Goals on Competence Perceptions1. J Appl Social Pyschol 36 (5), 2006, 1291-1319.
Lyness, Karen S.; Heilman, Madeline E.: When Fit Is Fundamental: Performance Evaluations and Promotions of Upper-Level Female and Male Managers. Journal of Applied Psychology 91 (4), 2006, 777-785.
Heilman, M.E.; Haynes, M.C: Affirmative action: Unintended adverse effect. Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in the Workplace 2, 2006, 1-24.
Heilman, Madeline E.; Chen, Julie J.: Same Behavior, Different Consequences: Reactions to Men's and Women's Altruistic Citizenship Behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology 90 (3), 2005, 431-441.
Heilman, Madeline E.; Haynes, Michelle C.: No Credit Where Credit Is Due: Attributional Rationalization of Women's Success in Male-Female Teams. Journal of Applied Psychology 90 (5), 2005, 905-916.
Heilman, Madeline E.; Wallen, Aaron S.; Fuchs, Daniella; Tamkins, Melinda M.: Penalties for Success: Reactions to Women Who Succeed at Male Gender-Typed Tasks. Journal of Applied Psychology 89 (3), 2004, 416-427.
Heilman, Madeline E.: Description and Prescription: How Gender Stereotypes Prevent Women's Ascent Up the Organizational Ladder. Journal of Social Issues 57 (4), 2001, 657-674.
Heilman, Madeline E.; Parks-Stamm, Elizabeth J.: Gender Stereotypes in the Workplace: Obstacles to Women's Career Progress. In: Social Psychology of Gender. Emerald.
Publications as TUM-IAS-Fellow
Brosi, Prisca; Spoerrle, Matthias; Welpe, Isabell Melanie; Heilman, Madeline E.: "Willing to Lead, Not Willing to Follow: Gender-Specific Inferences from Pride Expressions". Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 2016, 11982 more…BibTeX
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Brosi, Prisca; Spörrle, Matthias; Welpe, Isabell M.; Heilman, Madeline E.: Expressing pride: Effects on perceived agency, communality, and stereotype-based gender disparities. Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (9), 2016, 1319-1328 more…BibTeX
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